A bolt of lightning
News | Monday, January 21, 2019 at 10:40am

To import, or not to import…

By Niki

Thoughts while I'm at work

I’m pondering whether to import my blog posts from my old site, over to here, or just start over.

It would be automatic content, but...

I don't have many posts up on my old blog, and several of them are centered around WP anyway. I'll have to think on it, and then decide whether to try to export them all out, or just copy/paste and create new, but backdated, entries.

I want to add more heading styles, smaller 'H' tags. Also, since this field doesn't natively add line breaks when you press 'enter', I created an HTML button that does that for me...


The only quirk is that since it's really built to add things like bold tags (or, aka 'strong' tags), and italics, it automatically puts the cursor between the two br tags. There is probably a better way to do it, I'll just need to play around a little and see if I can figure something out. But that will do for now.

Meanwhile, I should probably refocus on getting things at the day job done. 😊

Edited: Found the line breaks. Settings that, in the past, I'd 'set and forget'. Eesh.